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Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive.

Mass deleting picklist values in Salesforce with AJAX javascript hack (2018 version)

More than 5 years ago I wrote an article on how to Mass delete Picklist values in Salesforce, this is still my most visited article and I have been meaning to get back to it for years. At least now it seems like it will be a part of the standard functionality sometime in the near future (mass delete picklist values (setup)) but today I had to do this at a customer so I had to solve it once again.

Exporting Salesforce Files (aka ContentDocument)

Last week a client asked me to help out, we had been creating a system that creates PDF files in Salesforce using Drawloop (today known as Nintex Document Generation which is a boring name). Anyways, we had about 2000 PDF created in the system and after looking into it there doesn’t seem to be a way to download them in bulk. Sure you can use the Dataloader and download them but you’ll get the content in a CSV column and that doesn’t really fly with most customers.

Talk to the fridge! (using Alexa, Salesforce and Electric Imp)

Long time no blog post, sorry. I have meant to write this post forever but I have managed to avoid it. Anyways, consider the scenario when you sit in your couch and you wonder: - “What’s the temperature in my fridge?” - “Did I close the door?” - “What’s the humidity?” You have already installed your Electric Imp hardware in the Fridge (Best Trailhead Badge Ever) and it’s speaking to Salesforce via platform events, you even get a case when the temperature or humidity reaches a threshold or the door is open for too long.

Visualise Big Object data in a Lightning Component

Good evening, In my previous post (Upgrade your Electric Imp IoT Trailhead Project to use Big Objects ) I showed how you can use Big Objects to archive data and now I will show how you can visualise the data in a Lightning Component. So now we have big objects being created but the only way to see them is by executing a SOQL query in the Developer Console (SELECT DeviceId__c, Temperature__c, Humidity__c, ts__c FROM Fridge_Reading_History__b).

Upgrade your Electric Imp IoT Trailhead Project to use Big Objects

I first heard about Big Objects in a webinar and at first I didn’t really see a use case, and it was in BETA so I didn’t care that much but now that it was released in Winter ‘18 everything changed. My favourite Trailhead Badge is still the Electric Imp IoT one and I had thought it would be fun to store the temperature readings over a longer period of time.